28 things I know about you

That might have been a creepy subject line, lol.

I hope it didn’t come off that way, because these are some important things about you that I happen to know because they’re true of all people who don’t suck…and that includes you!

Also I kept adding to the list, so that’s why it’s such a random number. I exercised restraint and cut myself before it got even longer. 🙂

As you read through these lists, I have one request: please say “thank you, it’s true,” to ALL of these as you read them!

(If you haven’t worked with me before or participated in any of my programs, you might be all, “Whyyyyy are you making me say this?!” It’s because it helps you truly acknowledge, receive, and take in the words and concepts coming your way.)

Why I felt the need to create and send you this list:

Because I wanted to send you a love letter! And of course any love letter from me would be very fierce cheerleady. 🙂 Which this pretty much is.

Plus, in the course of the programs I’ve run over the past couple of months (Celebration Challenge and Revive Your Resilience), from sessions with clients, and conversations with friends and family and strangers, it has become clear to me that far too many people do not have this baseline awareness of their awesomeness and their power, as well as the structures at play in the world which lead to that unawareness. 

This is important for SO many reasons. First of all, we can feel so alone in our struggles. Second, we can feel absolutely powerless—in our own lives as well as to our representatives. Third, when we’re not really aware of how certain things in our culture impact us, we blame and judge ourselves, which only makes us feel worse.

When we know these things, when we have this baseline awareness of what’s what, we can all move forward to create the life and world we desire.

So…here we go!

Some things you actually aren’t but might mistakenly think you are: 
1. You are not your failures or your mistakes.
2. Your inner critic is NOT YOU…it just sounds like you
3. You are not your fears or your limiting beliefs or limiting behaviors.
4. You are not fundamentally flawed, not good enough, undeserving, etc.
5. You are not a burden
6. You are not TOO MUCH.
7. You are not your net worth.
8. You are not unworthy of your desires or love or abundance or whatever.

A few other things that are likely having a massive impact on your life, abundance, and happiness.

Note: saying “thank you, it’s true” to these might feel super weird. But maybe also super freeing too, so…give it a try!

1. You live in oppressive systems (capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy), which have impacted your family, culture, and religion, and therefore your mindset, your beliefs about yourself and the world, and have also greatly impacted your opportunities.
2. Time is finite but it is also abundant.
3. You have probably been through some intense shit in your life. You are worthy of whatever support you need in order to heal.
4. Oh, and only you can say whether something was traumatic to you. No one else has the right to determine or invalidate your pain.
5. You have probably been taught that shining your light and tooting your horn is wrong. (See #1.) That is bull.
6. You likely have been given messages throughout your life that going after your desires is selfish or unrealistic or other some such nonsense. (See #1.) That is also bull.
7. You likely have been given messages throughout your life that taking care of yourself is selfish or frivolous or some other nonsense. (See #1.) That is also ALSO bull.
8. You likely have been given messages throughout your life that your needs don’t matter, that YOU don’t matter, and that you need to suck it up and deal. There are some things where that’s the case, but there are SO MANY MORE where that isn’t. (See #1.)
9. Your mindset is changeable.

Lastly, here are some awesome things about you that you might not know you are, but I know you are! So PLEASE, definitely absolutely say “thank you, it’s true” to these!

1. You’re enough. In fact, you’re absofuckinglyutely awesome.
2. You’re so so so SO damn worthy…of your desires, of your needs, of your dreams, of love, of abundance, of happiness, of self care…of so much.
3. You’re stronger and more resilient than you think you are.
4. Although you live in frustratingly oppressive systems, you are more than the system you live in. How the system defines you is not how YOU have to define you.
5. You are lovable.
6. You’re creative AF.
7. You’re beautiful, inside and out.
8. You do not have to settle.
10. You can make choices to live your life in a way that serves you and the world.
11. You. Can. Make. A. Difference.

So…now you know!

Is there more to you? Of course there is! You are all of this and infinitely more.  

Questions? Comments? Thoughts? How’d it feel to say “thank you it’s true” to all of these? Any resistance to anything? I’m so curious about your experience of this!

If so, I’m thinking we need to do an Abundance Blast! 

What’s an Abundance Blast? During an abundance blast, we’ll laser in on catapulting your abundance to the next level!  Whether it’s limiting beliefs, money, mindset, desires, or whatever is making you feel like you’re less magnificent than you truly are, we’ll shake some of that loose and get the abundance flowing. Clients have said they couldn’t believe how much could be explored and transformed in 20 minutes!

I’ve made space in my calendar to do 20, so snag your time here.

Otherwise, please take everything on those lists in and know…you’re amazing and worthy and so very, very, VERY awesome!


PS: I started with 11 things. LOL.

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